Friday, January 18, 2008

Our little princess

Olivia is now 13 weeks old. She can now officially suck her thumb! She still loves her binky though...She has a habit of getting up in the middle of the night but will go back to sleep with her binky and music. She is asleep around 9 or 10 and is awake at 3:30 or 4 when she is hungry. She will go back to sleep for a few hours after that first feeding.

A few nights ago (Jan 16th), we were in a car accident. It was a very scary experience. We were rear-ended at a stop light by a Tahoe that was going about 45 mph. The idiot driver never hit the brakes. Baby Olivia was in her car-seat and we thank heaven that she and everyone involved were ok. The entire front of the Tahoe was in our trunk and the glass of the back window shattered. Olivia, Erica and I were all in the backseat and Eric was driving. We were extremely lucky that we all suffered just a little soreness and nothing more severe.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Glad to hear you are all okay after the accident!