Sunday, August 31, 2008

Eleven Months!!!

Olivia is truly our lil princess...Her little personality has already proved to be outgoing, strong-willed and loving. We are planning her first birthday and we graciously accept all the help that everyone has already offered. Olivia's party will be a great success with all the love that surrounds her.

I feel that I sound like a hallmark card but I guess that after a year, it is an emotional time to reflect back on being a mommy. I get tears thinking about how lucky I am to have a happy and healthy baby girl. Motherhood has been amazing for me. It's exciting to wake up every morning to that precious smile and do it all over again for another eventful day...I clean lots of dirty diapers, messy highchairs and an occasional spit-up. I have learned to let Olivia cry it out when its bedtime. I have experimented with some new foods and discovered that Olivia loves her steak (like daddy). I have learned to stay on top of Olivia because if I don't, she'll take a tumble right into the bathtub (yes, it really happened but she's ok) I will write more in my next blog because I have also learned to rest while baby is resting and she is sound asleep in her crib right now~

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