Thursday, December 20, 2007

10 weeks old!

Baby Olivia is now 10 weeks old! It seems as though the days go by slowly but the weeks go by fast!
Olivia is sitting on the Boppy on my lap right now as I am typing away. She discovered her hands and her thumb by 8 weeks. She puts her hands in her mouth and her thumb but has not yet perfected sucking her thumb. She likes to put her blankets in her mouth as well and if given the opportunity, she will put my fingers in her mouth :) She is full of smiles especially when someone talks to her with lots of enthusiasm. She has been sleeping about 6 hours waking up only once a night so that mom can give her the binky and turn on the 'turtle' (musical aquarium). Olivia naps about 3 times per day and the time of day and the length of sleep varies. She likes to fall asleep on mommy and daddy's bed in the mornings. The other naps during the day are usually in the bassinet or her crib. Today was unusual because she actually fell asleep in her swing! Well, it is about that time to change her diaper....

1 comment:

Arlene and Bruce said...

dear Allison,
We love you much! and We love
reading the blog you have started
about our "beautiful" granddaughter, Olivia. We look
forward to your next writing.
